Special Sections

We recommend working with support to ensure things are setup properly if you wish to use these special sections.

There are five special sections that can be used within inspections. These special sections display items from within each of the modules that are assigned to the specific subject of the inspection.

How Special Sections Work:

Example: If you are conducting a vehicle inspection, and the template you are using for the inspection contains the special Equipment-Specific section, PSTracker will display any equipment assigned to this vehicle within this section. Additionally, if we have items that exactly match the equipments type, PSTracker automatically displays a checkbox for each equipment item displayed.

The five special sections and their special columns include:

  • AED
    • Does not use a column, the term to use is AED
  • Computer
    • Style Column
  • Equipment - Specific
    • Type Column
  • Firearms
    • Style Column
  • Tanks
    • Type Column

Creating Items to be used in a Special Section

When we use Special Sections, in order for checkboxes to automatically appear for each of the assets (AED, Computer, Equipment - Specific, Firearm, Tank) assigned to the focus of the inspection that are displayed within the special section, we need to have a matching Type / Style as the Item in that section.

  • Create an Item that exactly matches the type or style (as indicated above).
    • Example: for a firearm, we may create an item called Semi-Auto.
  • Add that item to the special section in the template.

If we do not add the item to the special section, a checkbox will NOT automatically appear for each asset (AED, Computer, Equipment - Specific, Firearm, Tank) displayed. We can still add other items to the special sections if necessary, but the automated was ois the best practice.

To add new items we follow the same process as creating items for sections (see ITEMS link below).

Adding a Special Section to a Template

To add a special section to a template, we follow the same process as adding standard sections to a template. The special sections may already exist in your install, if not we recommend contacting support for assistance creating the special sections (see SECTIONS and TEMPLATES links below).

Adding an Item to a Special Section

To add an item to a special section, we follow the same process as adding items to sections (see SECTION link below).

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