Managing Assets / Items



Day-to-day Asset management can be accomplished by clicking Modules => Assets which will bring you to the main Manage Assets page.

In addition to day-to-day management, on occasion you may need to access additional administrative tools. You can access these tools by going to the admin tools menu. Settings => Admin Tools.

As an Asset Administrator you will have up to nine tool buttons that allow you to Manage Assets, Types, Makes, Models, Maintenance Types and Field Visibility.

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The following is an explanation of each of the management tools.

==== Manage Assets ====

There are two parts to the Manage Assets tool. The Manage Assets page, and the Edit Assets page.

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The Manage Assets page displays a list of your agencies Assets. The list includes details of each Asset. There are too many variables to display on this summary page, and the fields that are displayed can be configured by your department’s 911 Tech Software Admin using the Manage Field Visibility button we will discuss shortly. This page is also where you add new Assets.

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To help reduce the list and locate a specific Asset, you can type in a term or identifying remark into the search field, which will immediately begin to reduce your list of Assets. You may also use the drop down selectors and the modify button to help reduce the list even further.

You can use the center tool bar to print or export your Assets data and you can use the Column Visibility button to hide or display specific columns.

If you wish to see Inactive or Archived Assets choose the appropriate selection from the drop down list and click the Modify button.

To manage a specific Asset simply click on the View or Edit buttons.

The View Button takes you to a summary page for the specific Asset which also shows any historical maintenance, work orders and inspections.

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==== Managing an Assets Photo ====

To manage an assets photo, please see our help page on [[managing_photos|managing photos]].

==== Add / Edit Maintenance ====

To add a maintenance entry for this Asset, click the Add Maintenance button which will open a modal window which allows you to create a maintenance entry for the specific Asset.

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If you are an Asset Manager, you will also see Edit links at the far right of each maintenance entry. Clicking the edit link allows you to edit a specific maintenance entry.

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==== Files ====

You can add files to an asset. This is a great way to scan in and attach paper documents such as receipts, purchase orders or even photos you want to store and associate with this Asset.

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If you have the File Upload group permission, you will see a Add File button.

To add a file, click the Add File button which will open a modal window which allows you to upload a file to this Asset.

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If you have the File Upload group permission, you will also see the Rename and Delete links at the far right of each file entry.

Clicking the Rename link allows you to rename that specific file.

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Clicking the ** Delete** link removes that specific file.

==== Add Asset ====

To add a new Asset, click the Add Asset button at the top right of the Manage Asset page which will open a modal window which allows you to add a new Asset.

Fill out the variables and click Add New Asset.

>Type Make, Model, Serial, Unit, Location, Number, Other 2, Other 3, Other 4, Other 5, Other 6, Vendor, Department, Funding, Issue Date, Purchase Date, Purchase Price, Sales Date, Sales Price, Maintenance Date, Warranty Date, Notes, Bar-code, In Service, Active, Archive, Vehicle and Employee.

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Fill out the variables and click Create New Asset.

The majority of the fields within the Add Asset page are self-explanatory, but we will discuss a few that may not be so obvious.

Type is the type of asset this is such as "Desk" or "Chair".

Department is where you select the agency department this Asset belongs to.

Location is where the Asset is physically located. If the location is in a vehicle, leave this field empty, as the location will be displayed automatically when you choose a vehicle. If the location is in a building, you should use the location field to explain where the Asset is located, for example PD Classroom.

Vehicle. If the Asset is located within a vehicle, use the selection list to choose the vehicle. If the Asset is in a building, select Building.

Notes is where you can enter administrative notes to assist in managing this Asset.

Number is your own in-house numbering system for this Asset.

Other 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 allow you to manage three custom Asset variables unique to your agency. The Individual Labels Other 2 & 3 can be customized to any term you wish by contacting your agency administrator or 911 Tech Technical Support.

Note, modification of Other 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 is generally done during setup but can be modified at any time. If you modify a label you need to understand that labels are not hard coded, meaning if you make a change to a label, for example if you rename a label, the new name is immediately shown on any new inspection as well as every past inspection.

Maintenance Date is available for an agency to track when you want to perform the next maintenance. This field is automated meaning that it will sent emails to the selected personnel notifying them that maintenance is upcoming at 45, 30, 15 the day of and 30 days overdue. Note: These are dates are set by default during setup but they can be modified by your 911 system administrator.

Warranty Date is available for an agency to track a warranty date for the Asset. This field is automated meaning that it will sent emails to the selected personnel notifying them that the warranty date is upcoming at 60, 30, the day of and 30 days overdue. Note: These are dates are set by default during setup but they can be modified by your 911 system administrator.

Active is where you select the status of this Asset. Active means the Asset is currently in use and will be displayed to your users as an Asset available for inspection.

Archive means the Asset is no longer in use. You archive an Asset rather then delete an Asset so that you will always have a historical record of this Asset and its inspections.

==== Edit Asset ====

The Edit Asset Button takes you to the edit page for this specific Asset. From the Edit Asset page you can manage the following Asset variables:

>Type Make, Model, Serial, Unit, Location, Number, Other 2, Other 3, Other 4, Other 5, Other 6, Vendor, Department, Funding, Issue Date, Purchase Date, Purchase Price, Sales Date, Sales Price, Maintenance Date, Warranty Date, Notes, Bar-code, In Service, Active, Archive, Vehicle and Employee.

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When you complete your edit, click the Save button to commit to the changes.

If you want to return to the Asset Summary Page click the Back button.

If you want to return to the entire list of Assets, click the Return to Assets button.

The majority of the fields within the Edit Asset page are self-explanatory, but we will discuss a few that may not be so obvious.

Type is the type of asset this is such as "Desk" or "Chair".

Department is where you select the agency department this Asset belongs to.

Location is where the Asset is physically located. If the location is in a vehicle, leave this field empty, as the location will be displayed automatically when you choose a vehicle. If the location is in a building, you should use the location field to explain where the Asset is located, for example PD Classroom.

Vehicle. If the Asset is located within a vehicle, use the selection list to choose the vehicle. If the Asset is in a building, select Building.

Notes is where you can enter administrative notes to assist in managing this Asset.

Number is your own in-house numbering system for this Asset.

Other 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 allow you to manage three custom Asset variables unique to your agency. The Individual Labels Other 2 & 3 can be customized to any term you wish by contacting your agency administrator or 911 Tech Technical Support.

Note, modification of Other 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 is generally done during setup but can be modified at any time. If you modify a label you need to understand that labels are not hard coded, meaning if you make a change to a label, for example if you rename a label, the new name is immediately shown on any new inspection as well as every past inspection.

Maintenance Date is available for an agency to track when you want to perform the next maintenance. This field is automated meaning that it will sent emails to the selected personnel notifying them that maintenance is upcoming at 45, 30, 15 the day of and 30 days overdue. Note: These are dates are set by default during setup but they can be modified by your 911 system administrator.

Warranty Date is available for an agency to track a warranty date for the Asset. This field is automated meaning that it will sent emails to the selected personnel notifying them that the warranty date is upcoming at 60, 30, the day of and 30 days overdue. Note: These are dates are set by default during setup but they can be modified by your 911 system administrator.

Active is where you select the status of this Asset. Active means the Asset is currently in use and will be displayed to your users as an Asset available for inspection.

Archive means the Asset is no longer in use. You archive an Asset rather then delete an Asset so that you will always have a historical record of this Asset and its inspections.

===== Manage Asset Variables =====

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==== Asset Types ====

The Asset Types is a pre-populated list of Asset Types. To add a make, click the Add Asset Type button.

To edit a Type, click the Edit button.

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Caution, we have designed our system to allow you to archive Types, so we do not recommend you edit a Type, rather we recommend you Archive a Type you no longer want and create a new Type for future use.

Caution - we suggest you contact 911 Tech for assistance with managing asset types unless you are experienced in managing this module.

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==== Asset Makes ====

The Asset Makes is a pre-populated list of Asset Makes. To add a make, click the Add Asset Make button.

To edit a Make, click the Edit button.

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Caution, we have designed our system to allow you to archive Makes, so we do not recommend you edit a Make, rather we recommend you Archive a Make you no longer want and create a new Make for future use.

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==== Asset Models ====

The Asset Models is also a pre-populated list of Asset models. You can add a new model at any time by clicking the Add Asset Model button.

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Caution, as indicated above for Makes, we have designed our system to allow you to archive Models, so we do not recommend you edit a Model, rather we recommend you Archive a Model you no longer want and create a new Model for future use.

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==== Asset Maintenance Types ====

The Asset Maintenance Types is a pre-populated list of Asset Maintenance Types. You can add a new maintenance type at any time by clicking the Add Asset Maintenance Type button.

Maintenance Types are used when you create new maintenance entries for Assets. They will appear in a drop down selection field in the Add Maintenance Form.

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==== Asset Field Visibility ====

The Asset Field Visibility screen allows you to adjust what fields you see on the User & Admin Manage Asset page. This feature was primarily designed to display the most important fields without creating a need to scroll left to right.

From the Manage Asset Column Visibility page, simply click edit to set a fields visibility. You can set different visibility for both the User and Administrator pages.

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