Using The New Grid
The new Grid is now available for most modules within PSTracker.
When viewing data in PSTracker, we display that data using a grid. That grid can be customized and saved to meet your specific needs. This article explains the new Grid and its features.

Summary of the new Grid
- The new grid system lazy-loads data, showing your content instantly.
- The new grid eliminates long page load times for agencies with thousands of rows of data.
- You can sort, filter, hide, pin, and move columns, and then save that specific layout/view.
- You can use the entire grid search field to quickly narrow results.
- You can export your data to excel or cvs, and then modify or print as needed.
- On the main module Management pages, you can click in and edit/update fields directly in the grid without having to navigating to the edit page.
- Edit within the Grid is available on the following modules: AED's, Ammunition, Assets/Items, Buildings/Facilities, Cameras, Computers, Equipment, Firearms, Off Duty Firearms, Tasers, Tanks, Vehicles.
Quick Tips...
- To Export the table, right-click in any cell and select Export.
- To Edit a cell, double-click on the cell.
- To Filter, click the small filter icon at the top.
- To Sort, click the Column Header (Or right click)
- To Rearrange columns, just drag them to the new location.
- To Pin columns, right-click on the header and select Pin to...
- Scroll grid to left to see non-pinned columns
Grid Views
One of the main features of the new grid is the ability to customize the grid to meet your specific needs and then save that view for future use.
Creating Views
- Modify the grid to meet your specific needs
- Click Create View
- Name the New View
- The view is saved and becomes your default view for that module.
Selecting Existing Views
- Select the view from the drop down list
- The grid refreshes to your selected view
Modifying an Existing View
- With the view you want to modify active
- Make your changes
- Click Update View
Deleting a View
- With the view you want deleted active, click the Delete View button
- The Grid refreshes to the default Grid View
Side Bar Feature
While is quick and easy to click a column header to sort and filter, the grid also has two side bars, one for filtering columns and one for showing/hiding columns.
Use either side bar to quickly filter or show/hide columns.
Search Entire Grid
Click in the Entire Grid search field to search and filter the entire grid.
- Searching the entire grid is still in beta.
- Filtering by column header is more accurate.
- Dates & on/off yes/no fields will not filter in the entire grid search.
Column Header Option Menus - Filter & Sort
Clicking the column headers provides you with optional content menus such as filter, pin and sort.
- Click the column filter icon to open the filter menu
- Enter the filter parameters
- Optionally add/select additional filters
- Click the column header (or the 3 elipse) to open the column content menu
- Select a choice form the menu
Export Data
You can export your data to Excel or CSV to manage or print your data outside of PSTracker.
IMPORTANT: Data in the grid is loaded dynamically as you scroll, to export the entire grid, you must scroll all the way to the bottom to load all the rows, Then you can export all your data.
- Right click anywhere in the grid
- A content menu opens
- Scroll to Export
- A second menu opens
- Select your export choice.