Prisoner Checks (New Method)

PSTrackers Prisoner Check enhancement to the Holding Facility (Jail) Module allows your agency to document detainee checks of your holding facility cells.

The module has two methods of operation - only one method can be active for an agency.

  • Document Cell Checks Only - No Intake/Release or Names. (Older Method)
  • Intake / Release with Prisoner Names & Conduct Cell Checks. (New Method)

This article describes

  • Intake / Release Process with Prisoner Names and other data

  • Conducting Prisoner Checks.

Any Employee can access and conduct Prisoner Intakes and Cell Checks. To manage the module you will need Prisoner Check Manager permissions

Prisoner Check Sub Menu

  • New Intake - Intake of a new Prisoner
  • New Check - Cell Check of an existing prisoner
  • IC Report - In Custody Report - A list of in custody prisoners.

Prisoner Intake

From the main navigation select NEW => Prisoner Intake

Fill out the Prisoner Intake Form

There are 6 fields on the Intake form that are customizable to each Agency so your intake form may look a little different.

Existing Case Numbers: By default, PSTracker will show you case numbers from the past 3 days. The number of days to look back is customizable to each agency.

The default selected Status and Frequency can be set by each agency

Click Complete Intake to compete the process.

You are advised the Intake was Submitted.

Your prisoner is now displayed on the New Prisoner Check page.

Conducting Prisoner Checks

From the main navigation select NEW => Prisoner Check

Alternatively, click the prisoner/cell from the Prisoner Check page.

Select the Prisoner/Cell you are checking

Select the appropriate Status (findings in blue)

Next enter a comment is necessary.

Optionally add photos

Adding photos is an agency choice, not all agencies allow you to add photos.

Once the photos are added, if you need to adjust them, such as rotate, click the Refresh Images button at the top, which will reload the images and show rotate buttons.

Click Submit Prisoner Check to complete the process.

You are advised the Check was Submitted.

And your prisoner is re-displayed in green on the New Prisoner Check page.

You can then complete additional prisoner checks by selecting the next cell you wish to check.

Heres a quick explanation of the fields /buttons on comments Form

Moving Prisoners To A New Cell

To document movement of a prisoner to a new cell, select the Prisoner/Cell you wish to move.

Select Change Location

Select a new cell from the list of available cells to complete the move.

You are shown the prisoner check page with the prisoners new location.

Releasing Prisoners

To release a prisoner, select the Prisoner/Cell you wish to release.

Select Release Prisoner.

Optionally enter a comment.

Click Release Prisoner to complete the process.

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