Completing A Review / Survey

Your agency will have a pre determined a window (number of days) to complete a review / survey, after this window closes you can not submit a survey.

As an employee you complete surveys either after an event has ended, or if your agency uses the complete feature, after you mark the event as completed.

Completing a Review / Survey

From your dashboard click on the survey to be completed.

This takes you to the survey.

Click on the stars to enter your rating.

Answer the questions.

Optionally you may add comments.

Click Submit Survey.

Did Not Attend

You may document that you did not attend the event. To document an event as not attended, check the I did not attend box. You do not need to enter a review or answer the questions as they will NOT be saved or tabulated.

A comment IS REQUIRED when marking an Event as Not Attended.

For an alternate way of marking Events as Not Attended, see View / Acknowledge My Training Event (link below)

Click Submit Survey.

Survey Reminders

Survey reminders go out several days before the survey window closes. If you have not completed a survey for a specific event, you will receive an email reminder that you have not compete a survey.

Login and complete the survey.

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