How to Mobile Check-In to a Training Event

If your agency uses the Training Event Mobile Check-In Module, you can check-in to a training event using your mobile phone.

Check-In is restricted to specific dates and times.

You can not check to an event until the day of the event.

Your agency has set the number of days you can check-in after the event. Default is 1 day.


A QR code will be posted at the event.

Scan the Training Events QR Code.

Enter your agency email address or employee number.

Example: In this case we entered our employee email address...

If PSTracker locates you as a registered person in the training event, you will see a screen similar to below. Click Check Me In to check-in to the Training Event.

If successful, you will be advised Check-In was completed.

Check-In Errors

You will also be advised if an error occurs.

Some of the possible errors include:

You have already checked in.

PSTracker did not find you as registered to attend the training event

PSTracker was unable to check you into the event.

It is too early to Check-In to the Training Event.

Is it too late to Check-In to the Training Event.

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