Bulk Import / Upload
You can now bulk import / upload your own data to each module using .csv spreadsheets.
Bulk Importing / Uploading requires using the SPECIFIC .csv template for the SPECIFIC module. You can not use an excel (.xlsx, or .xls) file.
Bulk Importing /Uploading is available for the following modules:
- Aed's
- Assets (Items)
- Cameras
- Computers
- Equipment
- Firearms
- Firearms (Off Duty)
- Tasers
- Vehicles
Historically if you had a bunch of new radios, tasers, or vehicles, you would send us the data and we would upload that data for you. You can now do this yourself using our new bulk import pages.
Bulk Importing / Uploading
Within each module, if you are a Manager for that module, you will see a Import XXXX button next to the Add XXXX button.
Click the Import XXXX button which takes you to the new Bulk Import page.
You MUST follow the instructions.
If you receive an error message in your attempt to upload, please email us with the exact error message and we can assist.
Common Issues
If you have extra rows or columns, you will receive errors.
If you have dates in columns designed for text, you will receive errors.
If you deleted or re-arranged columns, you will receive errors.