Managing Teams
Using Teams is a way to create groups of employees, enabling you to add those groups of employees to events rather than adding employees to events one at a time. It also facilities sending emails regarding Employee Training to the proper Supervisor(s),
The use of Teams may be expanded in the future
The Manage Teams Dashboard your Agency's Teams Supervisor and Employees.
Supervisors can receive training emails for Employees in their Team
Employees & Supervisors can belong to more than one Team
Employees can be added as both an Employee & Supervisor on the Same Team
Add Team
Click Add New Team
Enter a Team Name and click Add New Team
Edit Team Name
Click Edit Team name
Edit the Team Name and click Edit New Team
Add Employee(s) to Team
Click Add Employee(s) To Team
Select one or more Employee(s) and click Add Employee(s).
Add Supervisor(s) To Team
Click Add Supervisor(s) To Team
Select one or more Supervisor(s) and click Add Supervisor(s).
Managing Team Sort Order
Teams can be manually sorted in the order you want. Sorting your teams will display the team list as sorted on the Manage Team Page, Training Reports, and when selecting Add Team To Training Event.
To sort your teams, Click the Sort Teams button at the upper right of the page.
Drag-and-drop to sort your teams.
After each sort the page refreshes showing you the new sort order.