Managing Training Requests

Manage => Training Requests

This page is for the Training Manager, or the Person who will be responsible for ultimately Approving or Disapproving your agency's training requests.

As the final step in the process, you are now responsible for Approving or Disapproving an employees request for training.

Training Managers, and those with proper permission, will find all training requests under Manage => Training Requests.


Alternatively, when in the Training Module, you can use training sub-menus Request button.


Here we see the list of the agency's active training requests. 


For easy identification, the request numbers are color coded according to their status.

Training Request Statuses

Status is the main determinant of the life of a request for training.  It is imperative that the training manager update the status of the request.  There are five possible training request statuses.  



The request is currently in the workflow review process.


The request has been approved.


The request has been disapproved.


The Training Manager has processed the approved request and assigned the employee to the event.


The request has been canceled by the employee or training manager.

Managing The Request

Click on the request number to manage the request.


The training request details screen is made up of two sections.  The upper section contains the details of this request.  The lower section contains several tabs including: Workflow, Notes, Files, and Logs.

As the manager you have several options when managing training requests.

Update Status

This is the main button for managing a training request and is the process you use to update the official status of this training request.  You can update the status as often as necessary, and you can select any status from the list (there is no mandatory flow of statuses).


Select a new status


Next click Update Status.

Add Note

Clicking Add Note opens a new window allowing you to add a file.  


When adding a note, you can toggle notification of the employee and/or advise a 3rd party via email that a note was added to this request.

Add File

Clicking Add File allows you to attach a file to this training request. 


Edit Request

Clicking Edit Request allows you to edit the details of this request. 


if you edit a request and the employee needs to be advised, the best method is to add a note advising the details of your edit to this request.

Updating the Status of the Training Request

Lest will walk through the process of updating the status of a request.  We will start with the least used status, Canceled.

Updating the Status to Canceled

If after consideration of the review process, the status of this request needs to be updated to Canceled, click Update Status and select the status of Canceled.


The training request will now reflect that it has been Canceled.


Updating the Status to Disapproved

If after consideration of the review process, the status of this request needs to be updated to Disapproved, click Update Status and select the status of Disapproved.


The training request will now reflect that it has been Disapproved.


Updating the Status to Approved

If after consideration of the review process, the status of this request needs to be updated to Approved, click Update Status and select the status of Approved.


Optionally, toggle the employee notification and/or advise a 3rd party via email that the status of this request has been updated to Approved.

Next click Update Status.

If selected, notifications will go out to the selected personnel.


The request will now be updated to Approved.


Updating the Status to Complete

Completed requests are the final stage of the request process. The request is considered closed.

When you are ready to turn an Approved request into a training event, click Update Status and select the status of Complete.


Create a New Training Event based upon a Completed Training Request

When a request is Completed, a Create Training Event button appears at the top of the request. 


Clicking Create Training Event takes you to a special add training event from request page with the name, description, hours, dates, and times pre-filled based upon the data from the training request.  We also display other variables so you can make your selections knowing what the employee entered in the training request.

See the help desk article on creating an event from a request (link below)

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