Create Event from Training Request

We created a special pang and form to simplify the process of creating a training event based upon a training request.

When a request is Completed, a Create Training Event button appears at the top of the request.


This takes you to the special add training event from request page with the name, description, hours, dates, and times pre-filled based upon the data from the training request.  We also display other variables so you can make your selections knowing what the employee entered in the training request.

Completing the form

The Agency # will be pre-populated if your agency uses that automation.

The Event Name will be populated from the request.

The Description will be populated from the request.

The Dates, Times and Total Hours will be populated from the request.

The Location provided (if any) will appear above the event location field.  You must add a location to this training event.  If you are adding a new location, enter the name of the location and press the tab key.  If you wish to also add the location address, click the carrot to reveal the hidden address details section. PSTracker will then automatically create and add the new location into system for you.

The Type provided (if any) will appear above the event type field.  If you want to track the event type, you must enter a type (optional).  If the type does not exist in PSTracker, you can create a new type by entering a new type and pressing the tab key.

The Sponsor provided (if any) will appear above the event sponsor field.  If you want to track the sponsor, you must enter a sponsor (optional). If you are adding a new sponsor, enter the name of the sponsor and press the tab key.  If you wish to also add the sponsors details, click the carrot to reveal the hidden details section. PSTracker will then automatically create and add the new sponsor into system for you.

Enter any Mandates (optional).

Enter any Scenario Based Training (optional).

If your agency tracks CLEAR or ILEAP data, enter that as necessary (optional).

Enter the Budget (optional).  If the budget does not exist in PSTracker, you can create a new budget by entering a new budget and pressing the tab key.

Depending on your agency's configuration, there may be one or more custom course and event fields which you should fill out as necessary (optional).

Enter your Instructors (optional).

The Method of Transportation provided (if any) will appear above the method of transportation field.  If you want to track the method of transportation, you must enter a method of transportation (optional). If the method of transportation does not exist in PSTracker, you can create a new method by entering a new method and pressing the tab key.

The Fiscal year will be pre-populated if your agency uses that automation.

The financials (registration, lodging, etc...) provided in the training request will appear above the Agency and Employee financial sections.  These will not be saved unless you enter financials into the appropriate training event fields below.

If your agency uses the optional custom request form fields, they will appear in the notes section in the format of Custom Field: Custom Answer

If your agency is a multi department agency, the department field will be visible.

Toggle if acknowledgement is required (optional).

Toggle the 3 day reminder (optional).

Toggle the document completion requirement (optional).

Toggle to hide the event (optional).

Click Create New Event

Your new Training Event will be created and for historical reference the Training Number of the new Training Event will be added to the existing Training Request.


The employee will have been added to the event along with any associated employee expenses.

Follow Up

You will have to email/notify the employee.

Update mandates/mandate hours.

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