Training Settings

Training Sub Menu => Settings.


Training Settings

Your PSTracker system training settings will be configured by PSTracker during the setup process, however some settings may need to be updated annually by the agency.

Use Prefix - A prefix that appears prior to the training event number, e.g. TB-2024-

Auto Increment - The current auto increment event number. Normally adjusted to 1 annually.

Add Zeros - Enter the length of your number and we pad zeros as necessary, e.g 3 for '001' .

IRS mileage rate - The current IRS mileage rate used to calculate mileage owed.

Fiscal Year - Tye current fiscal year - needs to be manually updated as necessary.

Manage Annual Budgets - Manage your Fiscal Years Budgets - current fiscal year is displayed.

Email Header - Agency customizable content sent at the top of training event emails.

Email Footer - Agency customizable content sent at the bottom of training event emails.

ILETSB Style Settings - Adjusts wording displayed on the ILETSB Style report.

Training Request Instructions - A sentence or two that appears at the top of the new training requests page - used to advise employees of special agency instructions.

Manage Training Column Visibility Settings - Adjusts default visibility of training module columns.

Updating A Setting

Modify each setting as necessary.

if you have any questions, please reach out to support and we will be happy to assist.

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