Managing Employee Log Hierarchy

Manage => Employee Log

Employee Log Managers

You must have Employee Log Manager permissions to manage employee log settings.

Retired Employees

Retired Employees are NOT removed from heirarchy, Retired employees must remain in the heirarchy at their level at retirement. Removing an employee can open their entries to be visible by persons without proper permission and can also hide their entries from the system. Retired employees do NOT receive notifications.

Employee Log Hierarchy

Hierarchy is what determines which entries employees can see and what notifications employees receive.  


Special Icons displayed on the hierarchy include:


Building/Managing the Hierarchy

    • Hierarchy is built by your system administrators.
    • Hierarchy must built form the top down.
    • Hierarchy is made up of Groups, and Employees.
    • The Groups and Employees must already exist within PSTracker to be added to hierarchy.
    • Hierarchy must be adjusted as employees change roles within the organization.

To manage Employee Log Hierarchy, navigate to Manage => Employee Log.


Next use the Sub Navigation menu and select Hierarchy.


You are taken to the Manage Employee Log Hierarchy Page.


This page visually displays your Agency's hierarchy, and allows you to make changes to employee hierarchy.

By default the page ONLY displays ACTIVE employees, but you can also see banned/retired employees by clicking the Include Retired button.


Upon clicking Include Retired Employees, your retired employees will be shown in red text.


Add a new employee(s) to Hierarchy

A typical task will be adding a newly hired employee(s) to existing hierarchy.

    • The employee(s) must already exist in PSTracker.
    • Locate the group you want the employee(s) to belong to.
    • Click Add Employee(s) for that group.log-hirearchy-group.png
    • Select the Employee(s).log-hirearchy-add-to-group.png
    • Click Add Employee(s) to Group.
    • The employee(s) are added to the group and receive all permissions for the group.

Removing an employee from a Group or Hierarchy.


Retired employees are NOT removed from Hierarchy.

If you need to remove an employee from a group, or move them to a different group:

    • Locate the employee within a group.
    • Click the Red X to the right of the employees name.
    • The employee has been removed from the group.
    • Locate the group you want to add them to.
    • Click Add employee(s) for that group.log-hirearchy-add-to-group.png
    • Select the Employee(s).
    • Click Add Employee(s) to Group.
    • The employee is added to the new group and receives all permissions for the new group.

Add a Group to Hierarchy .

To add a new Group to Hierarchy.

If the level does not exist:

    • Click Add New Level X button to create a new level.
    • Next, follow the steps outlined below.

If the level you wish to add the Group to already exists:

    • Click Add Group To Level X button at the location and level you wish to add the new group.
    • Select the Group.
    • Click Add Group to Level X.

Remove a Group from Hierarchy .

To remove a Group from Hierarchy.

    • All employees must be removed from the group before it can be removed.
    • Click the Red Remove Group button.
    • You will be prompted to confirm your actions
    • Click Remove Group From Level X.

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