Managing Employee Log Groups

Manage => Employee Log

Employee Log Managers

You must have Employee Log Manager permissions to manage employee log settings.


There are ONLY two system permissions for this module. Employee Log Manager & Employee Log Emails. ALL other permissions for the module are set within the Employee Log Group.

Your Groups should have been created by PSTracker employees when the module was setup. If you do not have any groups, please reach out to PSTracker for assistance.

Employee Log Groups

Groups are used when managing and creating Hierarchy (link at bottom).

Groups determine the major permissions for employees using the employee log module including:

    • Can the group see entries from their same level.
    • Can the group ONLY see same hierarchy branch and below.
    • Can the group mark entries Confidential
    • Can the group mark entries for Purge
    • Can the group create entries
    • Can the group search entries
    • Can the group edit entries
    • Can the group search & view recognition entries
    • Can the group manage recognition entries
    • Can the group search & view intervention entries
    • Can the group manage intervention entries
    • Can the group delete entries
    • Can the group see logs
    • Can the group receive Non-Hierarchy notification emails

Groups are also used when managing Categories, specifically we select which groups can create entries within which Categories.  See our article on managing Types and Categories (link at bottom).

To manage Groups navigate to Manage => Employee Log.


Next using the Employee Log Sub-Menu, navigate to Groups.


Here we see our list of Groups.


Add a new group

To add a new group, click Add Group in the Employee Log Sub-menu. 


This opens a modal where you create the new group.


Fill out the modal and click Add New Group.

Group Option Definitions

Here are the definition for each of the groups options:

Can see other employees entries in same hierarchy level:

This group can see entries for employees at their same level in the hierarchy.

Can Only See Same Hierarchy Tree & Below:

This group can ONLY see their specific hierarchy branch and below within that specific branch.

Can Mark Confidential:

This group can mark an entry as confidential.  Note: Once marked confidential ONLY users within the confidential group will be able to see or manage the entry.

Can Use Purge:

This group can set an entry to be purged at a later date based upon the categories purge setting.

Can Create Entries:

This group is allowed to create entries.  In addition to this permission, th create entries, the employee must ALSO have the system permission of Employee Log Create.

Can Search Entries:

This group will see the VIEW => Search Employee Log navigation button and this group can search employee log entries with returned results based upon the users level within the hierarchy.

Can Edit Entries (same hierarchy or below) if Editable:

This group can edit existing entries, if the specific entry was marked as editable by the creator.

Can Delete Entries:

This group is allowed to delete entries that have been completed.  Normally you may only delete an entry you started that has NOT yet been completed.

Can Search & View Recognition Entries:

This group can search and view Recognition entries. 

Can Manage Recognition Entries:

This group can Manage Recognition entries. 

Can Search & View Intervention Entries:

This group can search and view Intervention entries. 

Can Manage Intervention Entries:

This group can Manage Intervention entries. 

Can See Logs:

This group can see the Logs tab on completed entries.  The logs tab show you the history of the entry, including who created, edited and viewed the entry.

Can Receive Non-Hierarchy Notification Emails:

This group can receive emails about employee log events even though they me not be within the same hierarchy branch.

Editing an Existing Group

To edit a Group, click the EDIT button at the far right of the groups row.


The Edit Employee Log Group screen appears.


Adjust the settings as needed and click Save Group.

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