Overview of Recognition & Intervention

The PSTracker Employee Log Recognition & Intervention features offers agencies a way to automate and track when the need for employee recognition and intervention occur. 

Agencies assign both a point value and a rolling time period, for example, 2 points over 12 months, to each category.   When new log entries are created, PSTracker looks to see if the categories point threshold was reached in either area, and if so, notifies the proper personnel of the need for recognition or intervention. 

Employees provide the recognition or intervention and then "close" the trigger so everyone knows how things were handled.

Trigger Calculations

With recognition trigger calculations, each entry is counted only once. This implies that after an entry has been utilized in a trigger, it will not be considered or counted again in subsequent recognition trigger calculations.

The choice of whether to configure intervention triggers as one-time-only (like recognition), or as reusable for future trigger calculations within the designated time frame, depends on the preferences of the agency.  By default, agencies tend to opt for reusing intervention entries, as they typically require additional intervention based on cumulative events.

Recognition Example

An agency wants to positively recognize employees who receive more than 3 citizen letters or phone calls of appreciation within a 12 month period.  

The Agency creates a recognition trigger called Employee Appreciation.  They set a point threshold of 3 and a time period of 12 (months).  They then add two categories; Citizen Letter and Citizen Phone Call assigning point values of 1 to each category.

Every time a supervisor adds a new employee log entry, PSTracker checks to see if the category of that entry has a Recognition trigger, and if so, has the trigger threshold been met. 

If, for example, a supervisor created an employee log entry to document a citizen letter, and it was the 3rd letter within 12 months, meeting the Employee Appreciation trigger threshold, PSTracker would notify the proper personnel about the Employee Appreciation trigger and the need for positive recognition for that employee. 

Intervention Example

An agency wants to know if employees are late for work more than 60 minutes within 6 months. Additionally, they want to weigh their concerns based upon how late employees are using three categories, less than 30 minutes late, 30 to 60 minutes late, and greater than 60 minutes late.

The Agency creates a recognition trigger called Tardiness.  They set a point threshold of 1 and a time period of 6 (months).  They then add two categories to the trigger; Late for Work < 30 minutes and Late for work > minutes. They then assign a point value of .25 to Late for Work < 30 minutes, and a point value of .5 to Late for Work > 30 minutes.

Every time a supervisor adds a new employee log entry, PSTracker checks to see if the category of that entry has a Intervention trigger, and if so, has the trigger threshold been met.  

If, for example, a supervisor created an employee log entry to document an employee late for work 30 minutes, and the same employee had previously been late for work less than 30 minutes two times within the past 6 months, this tardiness of greater than 30 minutes (point value of .5 x 1), in calculation with the last 2 two tardinesses (.25 x 2), would meet the Intervention triggers 1 point total threshold. PSTracker would then alert the relevant personnel about the Intervention trigger and the necessity for intervention for that employee.

Creating New Employee logs Based upon the Event Trigger

When an event trigger is received, Agency's generally follow-up by creating new Employee Log Entries to document their follow-up processes.  See our support article on Managing Intervention & Recognition Entries.

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