Acknowledging Policy

As an employee qualifying on the range you may be required to acknowledge an agency policy or procedure.  This must be done prior to your qualification on the range.  

Acknowledging a Policy or Procedure

Arriving on the Policy Acknowledgement page can come from one of several paths.  From whatever path you follow, Clicking the Acknowledge Policy button opens a new page where the employee can acknowledge the associated policy or procedure.  After a policy is acknowledged the employee is redirected back to the active entry page and the process can be picked up by the range officer.

Here are the possible paths to acknowledge policy:

    • From the Employee Dashboard after clicking Acknowledge Policy (Visible to Employee)employee-dashboard-acknowledge-button.png
    • From the Acknowledge Policy button on the Active Entry page (Visible to Range Officer)active-entry-page-acknowledge-button.png
    • From the Acknowledge Policy button on an open entry (Visible to Range Officer)nav-acknowledge.png

Policy Acknowledgement Types

Policy acknowledgement can consist of reviewing an Adobe .pdf, reviewing a Microsoft Word .docx document, or reading text.

Here are the possible policy acknowledge types:

    • Adobe .pdfpolicy-acknowledgement-pdf.png
    • Microsoft word documentpolicy-acknowledgement-word.png
    • General customizable textual instructions / content.policy-acknowledgement-textual.png

Policy Acknowledgement Composition

The policy acknowledgement page is composed of seven parts

    • Instructionspolicy-acknowledgement-instructions.png
    • Policypolicy-acknowledgement-policy.png
    • Download link (if necessary)policy-acknowledgement-download.png
    • Signaturepolicy-acknowledgement-signature.png
    • Checkboxpolicy-acknowledgement-checkbox.png
    • Checkbox Instructions

    • Acknowledge buttonpolicy-acknowledgement-ack-button.png

Policy Acknowledgement Process

While this page has a lot of information, the acknowledgement process is rather quite simple.

    • Read the Instructions
    • Read the .pdf or .docx Policy document (if included)
    • Use the download link to download and review the policy (only necessary if your browser does not properly display the policy) 
    • Sign the policy 
    • Check the box
    • Click the Acknowledge Policy button

Managing Range Policies

Managing your Agency's range policies is done by range officer's/master's or system administrators.

See our help desk article on managing range policies.

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