Managing Non-Login Employees

PSTracker users are managed by your agency administrator(s).

This article will focus on managing Non-Login Employees.

To Manage Login Employees, or Retired employees for Range Qualifications, please see those articles using the links at the bottom of this page.

The process to manage Non-Login Employees is identical to managing Login Employees. The only difference is if you need to turn a Non-Login Employee into a Login Employee or reverse.

Non-Login Employees are those employees you maintain within PSTracker who you do NOT want to have login access to PSTracker.

Common Non-Login Employees included:

  • Historical past employees.
  • Agencies who manage PSTracker without employee involvement.
  • Retired employee Range Qualifications.

To manage Non-Login users navigate to Your Name => Admin Tools => Active Users.

Which brings you to your list of employees.

Non-Login Employees display a Non-Login badge in the Status column.

Managing Non-Login Status

To manage the users Non-Login Status, click the username for that user.

This brings you to the Employee Account page

Click the Admin Features Tab.

You are shown the Admin Features settings.

To change the user to a Login-User click the Allow User to Login button.

Alternatively, to change a user from a Login User to a Non-Login User, click the button.

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