Qualifying Retired Employees

For agencies that annually range qualify retired personnel, I added an agency configuration setting to show “non-login” status and “retired" unit employees in new range entry and report select lists.

To display the retired employees in select lists you must ensure:

Employee Admin Area

Employees must be moved into the “Retired” Unit with a “Non-Login” Status

Agency Configuration

Firearms Tab

Use Off Duty/Employee Owned Firearm Module must be toggled to active.

Range Tab

Show retired employees in range select lists must be toggled to active.

Note: Depending on your agency's preference, you may also create a rank of retired, but that is optional, and not recommended, if you prefer to retain the rank the employee had attained when they retired.

Special Employee Owned Firearm Select Option for IROCC

If you are qualifying retired employees for Illinois IROCC, and you DO NOT need to manage the specific details of each retired employees firearm (make, model,, etc serial) and ONLY need to track the style of firearm, Revolver or Semi Auto, we have a special way to do this.

If you are going to add an actual firearm (make, model, style, serial) into the employee owned firearms table for each retired employee, then you will NOT use the method outlined below.

If you are uncomfortable adding the special firearms yourself, please contact support and we will be happy to assist.

From the Employee Owned Firearm Management page,

Use the sub navigational menu and click Makes.

If it does not exist already, add a new Make of Retired Officer.

Use the sub navigational menu and click Styles.

If it does not exist already, add a new Style of Revolver

If it does not exist already, add a new Style of Semi Auto.

Now add the two special employee owned firearms; Revolver and Semi Auto.

Click Add Employee Owned Firearm.

This will open a modal allowing you to add a new employee owned firearm.

Add Revolver Firearm:

  • Select Make of Retired Officer
  • Select Style of Revolver
  • Select Unit of Retired
  • Select YES for Allow All To Select
  • Click Add New Employee Owned Firearm

Add A Semi Auto Firearm:

  • Select Make of Retired Officer
  • Select Style of Semi Auto
  • Select Unit of Retired
  • Select YES for Allow All To Select
  • Click Add New Employee Owned Firearm

You will now have two special Firearms in the Employee owned Firearms Module.

  • Retired Officer - Revolver
  • Retired Officer - Semi Auto

Using the Special Firearms in a Range Entry

When managing a retired officer range entry, you will select one of these special firearms using the EMP Firearm Select Modal.

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