New Quartermaster Request

This article only applies if your agency allows employees to submit quartermaster requests.

To place a new quartermaster request navigate to New => Quartermaster Request.

The screen will refresh taking you to the Begin New Request Screen.

View Available Stock

If you need to see a list of all currently available stock, click the View Available Stick button at the top right of the screen.

This takes you to a list of all available stock for your agency.

Create New Request

To begin a new request, Click Begin New Quartermaster Request.

This brings you to the Quartermaster Request main screen.

The buttons on the Quartermaster Request screen include:

Add Note: Add a note to this request. Notes can be added any time.

Add File: Add a file to this request. Files can be added any time.

Delete Request: If you want to delete this request prior to fulfillment, click Delete Request.

The Delete Request button will ONLY appear AFTER every stock item is deleted from the request.

  • Select Stock: Where you select items to add to the request.

  • Quartermaster Request Details: Lists the stock added to this request.

  • Request Tabs: Tabbed content such as workflow, notes, files and logs.

If your agency uses the older step-by-step Quartermaster Request screen, please see the article Using the alternative step-by-step select method at the bottom of this page.

Create Request

Lets walk through creating a request

  1. Enter a Quantity

  2. Select the item

  3. Optionally you may enter a note such as size or color.

  4. Click Add Item to Request.

The screen will refresh and you will see the item has been added to the Quartermaster Request section

You will also noice a new Submit Request section has been added to the bottom of the screen.

Repeat the above process to add additional items to your request.

Close and Return to Request - Optional

If necessary, you can leave and come back to this request at a later time. To return to your request, locate the request in the Active tab of your main PSTracker Dashboard.

Click that item to return to the request.

Submit Request for Processing & Approval

When you are ready to submit this request, fill out the information in the Submit Request section.

Quartermaster Request go through a workflow/approval process. Your agency policy will dictate to whom your request should be forwarded.

  • Fill out any agency custom fields (in the example above One and Three are custom fields)
  • Enter your Comments/Justification for this request.
  • Select the person you are forwarding this request to.
    • Optionally un-toggle "Send email to the above person advising them of this request."
  • Click Submit Quartermaster Request.

The screen will refresh and you will be on your My Quartermaster Dashboard. If you click the Request Tab, you will see your newly completed request in the list

The color of the request number indicates is status in the workflow process. In the above case it's black indicating it is currently in workflow. You can click on the request number to see the details of the request

Request Statuses

Not Submitted: This request has not yet been submitted into workflow.

Workflow: The request is currently in workflow.

Pending Order Creation: The request has been approved, but the order has not yet been created.

Order Created: The order has been created and is in process.

Disapproved: The request has been dis-approved.

Canceled: The request was canceled by the employee or quartermaster manager.

Request Status Notifications

During workflow, depending on the email choices made by the approvers, you may receive email notifications as each person in the workflow approves or dis-approves the request.

Example Status Update Email

Canceling A Request

You can cancel request while it is in workflow UNTIL it reaches the Pending Order Creation Status.

To cancel a request, navigate to the view request screen.

Click the Cancel button which opens the cancel modal.

Enter a comment to clarify why the request is being canceled.

Click Cancel Request.

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