Using the alternative step-by-step select method

The default method of selecting items to add to your request is selecting the tei from a single select list containing everything available int he system.

If your agency uses the alternative method of using a step-by-step select process, here is how that works.

Create Request

Lets walk through creating a request using the step-by-step select method

As you enter a value into each field, the next field populates based upon that selection.

  1. Enter a Quantity

  2. Select a Category

  3. Select the Sub Category

  4. Select the Make

  5. Select the Stock Item.

  6. Click Add Stock to Request.

The screen will refresh and you will see the item has been added to the Quartermaster Request section

You will also noice a new Submit Request section has been added to the bottom of the screen.

Repeat the above process to add additional items to your request.

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