Managing Quartermaster Employee Requests

This article applies to agencies that use the Quartermaster Employee Requests module.

As the Quartermaster manager, your job is to manage requests in workflow and (if approved by everyone) update the status to Pending Order Creation.

Once a Request has been placed into the Pending Order Creation Status, it can be turned into an Order.

Optionally, if necessary, you can Disapprove, or Cancel a request.

Important: A Request can NOT be turned into an Order until is has been placed into Pending Order Creation status.

By default, PSTracker displays requests for the current year. To see a different selection, modify the date range or show all requests.

The request number is color coded based upon the status of the request.

Workflow - The request is currently in the workflow process.

Pending Order Creation - The request is complete workflow and is ready to be turned into an order.

Pending Order Creation is a temporary status, Pending Order Creation requests are then updated to Order Created when the quartermaster manager turns the Request into an Order.

Order Created - The order has been created.

Disapproved - The request is complete workflow and has been disapproved.

Canceled - The request has been canceled.

View / Manage a Request Currently in Workflow

As the Quartermaster manager, your job is to manage requests in workflow and (if approved by everyone) update the status to Pending Order Creation after which you will turn them into Orders. Alternatively you can Disapprove, or Cancel requests.

Click on a request that is currently in workflow (black in color) will bring you to the Quartermaster Request page.

Using the request's buttons, you can

  • Update the Quartermaster Request Status.
  • Add a Note.
  • Add a File.
  • Re-Route the Request (see re-routing a request below).

The tabbed section at the bottom of the request shows you the requests:

  • Workflow
  • Notes
  • Files
  • Logs

The status of the request is displayed at the upper right of the details.

As this request is currently in workflow, and approved by everyone, it needs to have its status changed to Pending Order Creation.

Click on the Update Quartermaster Status button.

This opens a modal window

Your New Status options are:

  • Pending Order Creation (the default option - request will be turned into an order in the next step).
  • Disapproved (the request is disapproved and done).
  • Canceled (the request is canceled and done).

Select the proper status and...

  • You may add a comment (optional).
  • You may also advise the employee via email (toggled on by default) of the new status.
  • You may also advise additional person(s) via email of the new status. (optional).

Click Update Status.

As we see in the above screenshot, the Requests status has been updated to Pending Order Creation and a new Create Order button has been added.

This requests is ready to be turned into an Order.

When to turn the Request into an Order depends on your internal processes.

When we built the quartermaster module, we envisioned that the majority of the time we will turn Requests into Orders immediately, however you are free to leave the Request in Pending Order Creation status until the time is right for you to do so.

Lets go ahead and turn this Request into an Order now.

Click the new Create Order button.

You are taken to the Create Order From Request screen.

  • Select the Reason
  • Optionally select the method (Optional - only visible if your agency uses Scan & Manual)
  • Select if a signature is required (Optional - only visible if your agency uses signatures)
  • Click Create Order From Request

The screen will refresh and you will be on the Continue Open Order page viewing your newly created Order, based upon the Request.

The Order is now created in the system.

Any Notes or Files from the Request have also been added to the order.

The Request process is now complete.

To manage the new Order, please see our article on Managing Open Orders. (link below)

Re-Routing a Request

See the article on re-routing requests (link below)

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