Re-routing Quartermaster Requests

A Quartermaster Request Must be within active workflow to be rerouted.

If a Quartermaster request needs to be re-routed for whatever reason, the Quartermaster Manger can do so.

Quartermaster Managers, and those with proper permission, will find the re-route button on the Quartermaster Request Details page.

From the main navigation click Manage => Quartermaster

From the Quartermaster sub-menu click Requests.

Click the number of an active Quartermaster Request.

At the upper left of the Quartermaster Request Details Page Click Re-Route Request.

A modal opens up allowing you to select to whom the request should be routed next.

Optionally you may leave a comment.

If you wish to notify the employee of the re-route, toggle "Advise Employee of re-route"

Select the person to re-route this request to and click Re-Route Request.

If you wish the next approver to receive an email advising them they have a request to review, leave the "Advise New Approver via email" radio toggle set to active.

To learn how to use workflow, see our general article on using quartermaster workflow (link below)

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