Stock Groups

Stock Groups are pre-determined collections of items (stock) that can be issued to employees.

Stock Group are designed to save time when issuing items to employees

Your agency can create Stock Groups which contain a collection of items (stock) and then easily issue the entire collection of items to employees.

Common uses for Stock Groups include Issuing items to new employees, or employees who change rank, role or assignment.

  • Initial Uniform Issue
  • New Investigation
  • New Evidence Technician
  • New Motor Officer
  • SWAT Team Member
  • Promotion to Sergeant

Stock Groups are commonly created for the different divisions in your agency such as Officer, Community Service Officer, Dispatcher, Civilian.

Managing Stock Groups

Stock Groups are managed using the Stock Group link on the quartermaster sub-navigation menu.

You are shown a list of your stock groups.

Creating a new Stock Group

Click Add New Stock Group in the Quartermaster sub nav

In the modal that appears, enter a name for the new stock group.

Note: Most agencies will not have the Department Field in the New Stock Group Modal.

Click Add new Stock Group.

Scroll down the page and locate the new Stock Group.

At the top right of each group is that groups sub-menu.

You use the specific groups sub-menu to Add items (stock) and if necessary, delete the group.

Add a Single Item to a Stock Group

Click Add Single Item to Stock Group

A modal opens where you enter the quantity and select the item (stock) from the select list.

Click Add Item to add it to the Stock Group.

The screen refreshes and you see the newly added item in the Stock Group.

Repeat the process to add more items to the stock group.

Add Multiple Items to a Stock Group

Click Add Multiple Items to Stock Group

The Screen refreshes and you are taken to a list of everything in the system with a blank quantity field at the left of each item.

Enter the quantity of each item you wish added to the stock group.

When you are finished entering in the quantities for the items you want to enter, click Add Items To Stock Group at the bottom of the page.

IMPORTANT: Depending on the number of items selected to show at one time, the list of items may span multiple pages. PSTracker can ONLY add items that are visible ON THE SAME PAGE as the Add Items to Stock Group button. It can NOT add items that are on a different page. If your list spans multiple pages, you may need to change the number of items visually displayed, OR you may need to click Add Items To Stock Group on multiple pages.

Managing /Editing an Existing Stock Group

coming soon...

You can only delete an existing Stock Group if there are no items (stock) in the Stock Group.

Issue a Stock Group to an Employee

To issue a stock group, click the Issue Stock Group at the bottom of the list of items in the specific Stock Group.

The screen will refresh taking you to the Issue Stock Page.

Optionally, if you are adding this stock group to an EXISTING issue, select the issue to add it to.

Select the reason for this issue.

Select to whom (Employee) or where (Vehicle or Building) you are issuing this stock.

Select the issue method (scanner or manual)

Select if a signature is required.

Click Begin Stock Issue.

The screen will refresh and you will be taken to the Continue Stock Issue page.

From this point forward, you will follow the normal Stock Issuing Process.

Please see our support article on how to Issue Stock.

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