Managing Check In/Out Barcodes

You must have Checkout Manager Permissions to manage Checkout Settings

  • Barcodes MUST be under 25 characters in length
  • Barcodes may NOT contain a colon

There are two methods of managing barcodes; using back end management page, or from within the edit page of an item or employee.

Managing Barcodes from the back end Management Page

This method is generally used during initial PSTracker setup or when you need to add/edit multiple barcodes.

Navigate to Your name => Admin Tools.

Scroll down to the Checkout section where we find two management cards, Check Out Employees and Barcodes.

Checkout Employees - (Only used if the agency has selected to restrict checkout to specific users - Config setting: Limit users who can check-out)

Note: the majority of agencies do NOT use this feature.

This feature is used to restrict which employees are allowed to have items checked in or out to them.

If the config: Limit users who can check-out is True and a user is in the list, items can be checked out to the user.

Barcodes - Used to manage barcodes across all modules and employees.

In this example we will manage the barcode for a Body Work Camera.

Add a new Barcode

Click the Add button for the module you are adding the barcode to.

A modal opens where you select the item and add the barcode number.

Click Create new Barcode.

Edit an existing barcode

Click the edit button for the item or employee you wish to manage

The page refreshes taking you to the edit screen,

Make your edits and click Save.

Managing Barcodes from within Modules and Users.

This method is generally used for day-to-day barcode management, however you must be a manager of a specific module to manage barcodes from the front end. e.g. to manage Firearm barcodes, from the Manage Firearm page, you must be a Firearm Manager.

In this example we will manage the barcode for a Body Work Camera.

Navigate to the management module, in this example we navigate to Manage => Cameras.

View or Edit the Camera you with to manage the barcode for.

Adding a barcode to an item not yet assigned a barcode.

In this example we see the camera does NOT have a barcode assigned.

Click Add Barcode.

A modal opens where you enter the new barcode.

Click Add Barcode to complete the process.

Editing a Barcode already assigned to an item

in this example we see the camera has a barcode assigned.

Click Edit Camera.

Click Edit Barcode.

A modal opens allowing you to edit the existing barcode.

Click Edit Barcode to complete the process.

If you are replacing the barcode, enter the new barcode into the field, overwriting the old number.

If you only want to disable the barcode for the item, you can toggle Inactivate Barcode, which leaves the barcode assigned, but the item will no longer be checked in/out until the barcode is reactiavted or replaced.

Managing Employees barcode from Employee Management

You can also manage an Employees barcode from the Employee Management Area.

To use this method, please see our article on Managing Existing Employees (Link below).

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