Managing Check In/Out Configurations

This article is for PSTracker System Administrators

If you wish to modify any of the configuration settings for the Check In/Out Module, you can do so from the modules management area.

Click your name => Admin Tools.

Click Agency Configs.

Select the Checkout Tab.

Modify any of the settings.

Setting Definitions:

  • Use Check-out Module - Does the agency use the Check In/Out Module
  • Require Checkout Manager Permission to Check-In/Out - Can anyone check in/out or do we need Checkout Manager Permission.
  • Allow manual Check-out/Check-in - Does the agency use/allow manual check in/out.
  • Allow Non-Checkout Manager to see Manual nav links - Can anyone see the manual navigational links to the check in/out module or do we need Checkout Manager Permission.
  • Allow scanning Check-out/Check-in. - Does the agency use/allow scanning check in/out.
  • Allow Non-Checkout Manager to see Scan nav links - Can anyone see the scan navigational links to the check in/out module or do we need Checkout Manager Permission.
  • Allow Check-out AED's - Does the agency check in/out AED's.
  • Require battery level when checking-out AED's - Require battery batter level bar documentation when checking out an AED.
  • Allow Check-out Cameras - Does the agency check in/out Cameras.
  • Allow Check-out Computers - Does the agency check in/out Computers.
  • Allow Check-out Equipment - Does the agency check in/out Equipment.
  • Allow Check-out Firearms - Does the agency check in/out Firearms.
  • Separate Less Lethal Firearms in Manual Check-out - Does the agency separate out Less Lethal from standard Firearms in the manual check in/out process.
  • Allow Check-out Tanks - Does the agency check in/out Tanks.
  • Allow Check-out Tasers - Does the agency check in/out Tasers.
  • Limit users who can check-out - Does the agency restrict checkout ability to Checkout Manager.
  • Show ALL equipment in room on shift audit - Does
  • Limit lists to only items where check-out is on - Do we reduce lists to only checkout enabled.
  • Scanning Auto check in/out to the new person - Does scanning checking out an item, automatically mark it as returned for the prior checked out employee.
  • Manual Auto check in/out to the new person - Does manually checking out an item, automatically mark it as returned for the prior checked out employee.
  • Show shift audit navigational link - Do we show the "shift audit" link. (for agencies who check the equipment room daily in the middle of the shift)
  • Allow Check-out Vehicles - Does the agency check in/out Vehicles.
  • Allow Check-out Assets - Does the agency check in/out Assets.
  • Email x hour Checkout Alerts - Send out emails to those subscribed after an item has been checked out for X hours.
  • Also email officer x hour Checkout Alerts - Send out emails to the employee after an item has been checked out for X hours.
  • Send out Checkout alerts after xx hours - The number of hours the above alerts will be sent out.

The following settings should only be modified after talking with PSTracker Support.

  • Replace Checkout Dashboard Logoff barcode with PST Dashboard
  • What is the name of the logoff image
  • Wording under the checkout image
  • Logoff link page

If you modify a setting, be sure to click Save Configurations to save your changes.

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