Equipment Audits

coming soon

Equipment Audits allow agency's to quickly audit the agency's equipment and maintain a record of historical audits.

To begin a new audit click New => Equipment Audit

The screen will refresh and you will see a list of Units (Optional) and Equipment Types to select for this audit.

Note: Selecting Units is optional and your agency may not display the Select Unit section.

Select (check off) the Units (Optional) and Equipment Types and click Begin [Scanner /Manual] Audit.

The screen refreshes and you are shown a list of the items that need to be audited.

The following section ONLY applies to those agencies that use Audit Templates

Audit Templates

Alternatively, if your agency uses them, you may select and Audit Template to pre-check the Units and Types.

A modal opens allowing you to select a Template.

Click Load Audit Template.

The screen refreshes with Units and Types pre-checked based upon the selected template.

Click Begin Scanner Audit or Begin Manual Audit.

Manual Audits

Click Move Assets, as often as necessary to move the items located from the left to the right side of the audit screen.

At any point in the process you can click Save Audit, to save your process so you can finish the audit at a later time.  Saved Audits are available on your dashboard.

If any issues arise, you may add a narrative.

When complete, click Complete Audit.

Scanner Audits

Use a scanner to scan the barcode on the items being audited.

You will be given audio feedback with every barcode scan.

If you scan a barcode for an item not in the system you will be advised by both audio and visual clues.

If any issues arise, you may add a narrative.

When complete, scan the Complete Audit barcode on the screen.


There is one report for historical Equipment Audits titled: Historical Audits.

The report is located in the Equipment Reports Section  Reports => Firearms => Historical Audits  (Note: You must have Reports Group Permission to see the Reports Button)

Audits are listed in reverse chronological order.  Click the View button to view the audit.

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