Managing Employee Owned Firearms

The PSTracker Employee Owned Firearms Module allow agencies to track employee owned firearms.

Manage => Firearms (EMP)

Navigate to Manage => Firearms (EMP) to view your list of firearms.

Manage Employee Owned Firearms Sub-menu

At the top right of the management page is the employee owned firearms sub-menu.

    • Add Employee Owned Firearm - Used to create a new employee owned firearm.
    • Employee Owned Firearms - Brings you to the list of employee owned firearms.
    • Makes - Manage the Makes of firearms
    • Models - Manage the Models of firearms
    • Calibers - Manage the firearm Calibers.
    • Maint (Maintenance) Types - The types of maintenance performed on your firearms.
    • Styles - Manage the styles (e.g. Semi-auto, shotgun, less-lethal).
    • Use - How the firearm is used (off duty, secondary, etc)
    • Visibility - Adjust visible columns - See System Options & Settings - Column Visibility.

View - Edit An Employee Owned Firearm

To view an employee owned firearm, click the View button for the specific firearm.

This brings you to the employee owned firearm Details.

The Employee Owned Firearm Details page displays the specific details of the selected firearm, and optionally up to four photos of the firearm. There are several tabs at the bottom allowing you to view and/or manage details such as:

    • Maintenance
    • Files


To add a maintenance entry for this employee owned firearm, click the Add Maintenance button at the top right of the maintenance list. A window opens allowing you to create a maintenance entry for the specific employee owned firearm.

If you are a Firearm Manager, you will also see Edit links at the far right of each maintenance entry. Clicking the Edit link allows you to edit a specific maintenance entry.


Adding files to an employee owned firearm is a great way to scan in and attach paper documents such as receipts, purchase orders, or even photos to store and associate with this firearm.

If your agency allows file uploads and your user account has the File Upload group permission, you will see an Add File button at the top right of the list of files.  Click Add File which opens window allowing you to upload a file to this firearm.

If you have the File Upload group permission, you will also see the Rename and Delete File links at the far right of each file entry. Clicking the Rename link allows you to rename that specific file. Clicking the Delete link permanently removes that specific file.

Add Employee Owned Firearm

To add a new employee owned firearm, at the top right click Add Employee Owned Firearm.

This will open a modal allowing you to add a new employee owned firearm.

Fill in the fields as appropriate.

Explanation of Employee Owned Firearm fields:

  • Make - The firearm Make.
  • Model - The firearm Model.
  • Caliber - The firearm Caliber.
  • Style - The style of firearm (e.g. Semi-auto, shotgun, less-lethal).
  • Serial - The firearm serial number.
  • Number  - You own in-house numbering system for this firearm.
  • Unit (Optional) - This firearm can be tied to a specific unit.
  • Use - How the firearm is used (off duty, secondary, etc)
  • Department - Generally Police (unless your agency uses the multi-department feature)
  • Employee - The employee that owns this firearm.
  • Notes - Administrative notes to assist in managing this firearm.
  • Other 2 - 6 - Agency customizable variables we can set unique to your agency.
  • Next Maintenance Date - Date you wish to perform the next maintenance.

    Note: Emails will be sent to selected personnel notifying that maintenance is upcoming at 30, 15, 7, the day of and 30 days overdue. These are dates are created during setup but can be modified by PSTracker Support.

  • In-Service - Is this firearm in service.
  • Show in Work Order List - Is this firearm in the Work Order select list.
  • Active - The status of this firearm. Active means the firearm is currently in use.
  • Archive - This means the firearm is no longer in use. You archive an firearm rather than delete a firearm so that you will always have a historical record of this firearm.
  • Allow All To Select - Displays this firearm in the Employee Owned Firearm select list when selecting a firearm for a range entry.

Edit Employee Owned Firearm

If you have the edit column visible, you can click the edit button for the specific firearm

Alternatively, view the firearm and then click Edit Firearm button at the upper left.

This brings you to the Edit Firearm page.

Make your changes and click Save to complete the process.

Adding / Editing Photos

Each firearm can have up to 4 photos.

To add or edit a photo:

  • Click on the photo or photo placeholder.
  • A modal opens allowing you to add or replace the photo.

  • Select the photo and click Add / Replace photo to complete the process.

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