Creating / Managing Inspection Templates

You must have the module administrative permissions (Vehicle Manager, Building Manager, etc...) to create inspection templates. In this example we will be creating a vehicle inspection.

Using the main navigation system, click Your Name => Admin Tools.

Click the Active Templates card.

You are shown a list of inspection templates for your entire agency.

Managing Templates Sub Menu

At the top right of the management page is the manage template sub-menu.

    • Create New Template - Used to create a new template.
    • Duplicate Existing Template - Used to duplicate an existing template.
    • Templates - Manage the inspection Templates.
    • Sections - Manage the inspection Sections.
    • Items - Manage the inspection Items.
    • Text Fields - Manage the inspection text Fields.

Creating a New Template

From the sub menu, click Create New Template.

Fill out the form

  • Give the template a name, in thic example we are creating a Daily Squad Inspection.
  • Select the module, in this example we will select vehicles.
  • Select the department, normally Police.
  • We normally leave the Active and Archive settings at their defaults.
  • Click Create New Template.

The screen refreshes advising us we successfully created the new template.

Now we need to add sections, items, and optionally text fields. See those instructions below.

Duplicating an Existing Template

Duplicating an existing template is a great way to not have to start from scratch when you have an existing template that almost meets your needs.

From the sub menu, click Duplicate Existing Template.

Fill out the form

  • Select the existing template you are using as the basis for the duplicated template
  • Give the new template a name, in thic example we are creating a Daily Supervisor Inspection.
  • Select the module, in this example we will select vehicles.
  • Select the department, normally Police.
  • We normally leave the Active and Archive settings at their defaults.
  • Click Duplicate Existing Template.

The screen refreshes advising us we successfully duplicated the template.

Now we need to modify the sections, items, and optionally text fields. See those instructions below.

Editing an Existing Template

From the list of templates, click EDIT for the specific template.

Editing a template modifies the main variables of the template including the name, module, and department. You can inactivate and archive templates from the edit page. You do not manage sections or items on the edit page.

Adding / Modifying Template Sections

Sections MUST already exist to be added to a Template. If you do not have any Sections already created, see the support article on Sections (link below).

From the list of templates, click MANAGE for the specific template.

We are shown our template. In this example, because we just created the template, we do not yet have any sections or items, and we can see that the vehicles using this template are NONE.

If we were modifying an existing template, we would see our existing sections and templates, as well as the vehicles that currently have their default template set to this specific template.

To add a new section, from the sub menu, click Add New Section.

  • Select the section you want to add to this template
  • Click Add Section.

The screen refreshes and we see the section has been added to the template.

We now use the sections sub-menu to add items, add text fields, or delete the section.

All items and text fields must be removed from a section prior to deleting a section.

Sorting Section Order

To sort the order of your sections, us the Click to Sort Sectons button at the bottom of the template.

The screen refreshes and we see the list of sections within the template.

  • Drag and drop the sections to your meet your needs.
  • Click Submit Sortation.

Click Return to Template.

See add items and text fields to sections, please read those instructions below.

Adding / Modifying Items within Sections

Items MUST already exist to be added to a Section. If you do not have any Items already created, see the support article on Items (link below).

From the sub-menu, click Add Item to Section.

  • Select the Item from the list.
  • Click Add New Item.

The screen refreshes and we see our Item has been added to the Section.

Repeat this process as many times as necessary until your section is complete.

Sorting Item Order

To sort the order of Items within a Section, us the Click to Sort Items button at the bottom of the Section. Upon clickin the button, the screen refreshes and we see the list of Items within the Section.

  • Drag and drop the Items to your meet your needs.
  • Click Submit Sortation.

Click Return to Template.

Adding / Modifying Text Fields within Sections

Text Fields MUST already exist to be added to a Section. If you do not have any Text Fields already created, see the support article on Text Field (link below).

From the sub-menu, click Add text Field to Section.

  • Select the Text Field from the list.
  • Click Add New Text Field.

The screen refreshes and we see our Text Field has been added to the Section.

Repeat this process as many times as necessary until your section is complete.

Sorting Text Field Order

To sort the order of Text Fields within a Section, us the Click to Sort text Fields button at the bottom of the Section.

  • Drag and drop the Items to your meet your needs.
  • Click Submit Sortation.

Click Return to Template.

Assigning a Template to a Vehicle, Building, Jail, or Tank.

You assign your templates to a specific Vehicle, Building, Jail or Tank from within the specific modules modules edit page.

In this example we will set our new template to be the default template for a specific vehicle.

From the specific vehicles EDIT page, locate the template select area.

We can assign templates by day of the week, and each day can have a different default template.

In this case we will select the Sunday template select field.

  • Select the template we just created.
  • Next we use the Update All W/ Sun select field and select YES. This will set the remain daily templates to be the same as the Sunday template we just selected.

  • Click Save at the bottom of the edit page to complete the process.

The screen refreshes and we see our new template in the template fields.

Setting the Default Employee Inspection Template

Note: We use the terms Uniform Inspection and Employee Inspection interchangeably.

The default employee inspection template is set from an administrative page.

You must have the module administrative permissions (Vehicle Manager, Building Manager, etc...) to set the Default Employee (Uniform) Inspection Template.

Using the main navigation system, click Your Name => Admin Tools.

Click the Dflt Unif Template card.

You are taken to the Manage Default Employee Template page.

Because this is the first time we are selecting this default template, the system tells us this in a red message.

Select the template you want to use as the default and click Update Default Employee Template.

The newly selected template will now be the default template for your Employee (Uniform) Inspections unless another template is selected at the start of each inspection.

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