Text Fields

You must have the module administrative permissions (Vehicle Manager, Building Manager, etc...) to manage sections.

TEXT FIELDS are are free form text entry fields. (the use of text fields is optional)

  • TEXT FIELDS are added to SECTIONS.
  • TEXT FIELDS can be required.

Using the main navigation system, click Your Name => Admin Tools.

Click the Active Text Fields card.

You are shown a list of inspection text fields for your entire agency.

Adding New Text Fields

Text Fields MUST already exist to be added to a Section on the Manage Template page

To add a new Text Field so that it is available in the select list to be added to a Section.

Using the sub-menu click Add Text Field .

Enter the Text Fields details.

  • Enter a name for this new Text Field.
  • Select the Module. (this is important as the item will only be visible in templates for this module)
  • Select the department (Normally Police)
  • Select if the text field is required. (If set to yes you must enter something into this field)
  • Activate and Archive are normally left to their defaults.
  • Click Create New Text Field

The screen refreshes and we will be advised the Text Field was added successfully.

Editing Existing Text Fields

Caution: Modifying existing Text Fields will modify all historical data. We do not recommend making changes to Text Fields if they have already been used in inspections. Best Practice it to inactivate and archive a Text Field and replace it with a new Text Field.

The easiest way to locate the Text Field you want to edit, is to use the search field to reduce your results. In this case we will enter the word Zone into the search field which reduces our list down to one Text Field.

Click the Edit button for the specific Text Field.

The screen refreshes showing us the edit page for this Text Field.

The Edit page shows us some important details in red.

It tells us: What templates (if any) currently use this Text Field.

It tells us: Editing an Text Field name will change that items name throughout the system, including completed inspections.  

Make our modifications and click Save to complete the edit.

Click Return to Text Fields.

Adding Text Fields to Sections

To learn how to add Text Fields to Sections, please see the article Creating / Managing Inspection Templates.

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