Managing Prisoner Check Module
PSTrackers Prisoner Check enhancement to the Holding Facility (Jail) Module allows your agency to document detainee checks of your holding facility cells.
The module has two options.
- Document Cell Checks Only - No Intake/Release or Names.
- Intake / Release with Prisoner Names and other data collection & Conduct Cell Checks.
The cells available for the Prisoner Check module are based upon the locations you created in the Holding Facility / Jail Module. Each location must be toggled YES for Prisoner Checks, to be visible in the Prisoner Check Module.
Managing the Method: Document Cell Checks Only - No Intake/Release or Names.
Management of the Prisoner Check module is done by persons with Jail Manager and/or Prisoner Check Manager permissions.
For agencies using the Document Cell Checks Only - No Intake/Release or Names method, using the Holding Facility (Jail) sub-menu, select Locations or Prisoner Check Choices.
To manage locations, please see our support article on managing your holding facility (Jail) locations.
Managing Prisoner Check Choices
Click Choices to see your agencies list of cell check status choices.
Managing the Method: Intake / Release with Prisoner Names and other data & Conduct Cell Checks.
For agencies using the Intake/Release with Prisoner Names and other data collection & Conduct Cell Checks method, using Prisoner Check sub-menu, select one of the available options.
The sub-navigation (Management) buttons include:
- Charges
- Choices
- Expunge
- Frequency
- Other
- Settings
Click Charges to see your agencies list of cell check status choices.
Important: the same Charges are used across the Prisoner Check AND Use of Force Modules
Each agency can customize their own charges. Charges generally follow one of two ideas: Specific such as Burglary, or Generic such as Felony / Misdemeanor.
Choices are the available options you can select while conducting Prisoner Checks.
Click Expunge to Expunge a record
See our dedicated article on Expunging Records.
Frequency is used to set cell check time limits and display agency customizable status badges.
Each Frequency has 3 main variables:
- Name - The name of the frequency. it is helpful to include the number of minutes in the name.
- Minutes - The max number of minutes before the check is considered overdue.
- Badge Text - Badges that can appear on occupied cells. Examples are Juvenile, or Suicide Watch.
Agency Customizable fields - Other 1-6
Other 1-6 are optional data collection fields which can be renamed and utilized to fit the agency's specific needs.
Other 1-3 are select lists that can be built to meet your agency's needs.
Other 4-6 are free form text fields you can re-purpose for agency specific data collection.
Settings control the default selected choices on the Intake Prisoner Screen.
Prisoner Check Main Agency Configurations
System Admins can set the main configuration settings for the prisoner check module from the tab:
Your Name => Admin Tools => Holding Facility/Jails
Scroll down to the bottom of the tab to the PRISONER CHECK ENHANCEMENT section.
From here you can activate or deactivate the features of the module.
Use Intake/Release Enhancement is the main setting to activate the Intake/Release method.
Track Frequency is required if you wish to see real-time cell statuses on the New Check Page.
- Use Prisoner Check Enhancement - Name
- Button Size [lg, md, sm]: What size the buttons are (primarily for ipad /phone usage) Default is md
- Use Intake / Release Enhancement
- Only Check Occupied Cells: Simplifies by not showing unoccupied cells on Prisoner Check Page
- Track Frequency (Minutes Between Checks): Allow agency to track different check frequencies
- Auto Refresh New Check Page - Time (In Seconds): Default is 60
- Track Case Number
- Track Race
- Track Gender
- Track Ethnicity
- Track Age
- Track DOB
- Track Prior Arrest No/Yes: A Yes/No Select Field
- Track Emergency Contact Info: Name, Address, Telephone
- Track Other 1 - Name: (Default is Agency)
- Track Other 2 - Name
- Track Other 3 - Name
- Track Other 4 - Name: (Default is Arresting Officer)
- Track Other 5 - Name
- Track Other 6 - Name: (Default is Occupation)
- Track Charges: IUCR Charges
- Track Release Codes - Name: IDOC Release Codes
- Track Detention Centers - Name: IDOC Detention Centers
- Allow Photos: Can you take photos on ach prisoner check
- Allow use of custom Prisoner Check templates: In Development