Managing Training Event Mobile Check-In
The Training Module Check-In enhancement allows your employees to remotely check into a training event by scanning a QR Code posted at the door of the event.
Employees can not Check-In until the day of the event
Employees can Check-In for X days after the event has ended - Default is 1 day.
For special events such as all-hands-on training and department meetings, events can be set to Allow Anyone To Check In, which allows any active employee in your agency to check in to an event, even if they have not been previously added to the event.
The Manage Event Page displays the status of Mobile Check-In for each event.
To obtain the QR Code for the event, click the QR Code hyperlink. This opens a new browser tab displaying a QR Code and the event details which can be printed and posted at the door of an event.
Check-In Tab on the Manage Event Page
If check-in is enabled for the event, you will see a Check-In date column in the list of attendees.
If necessary, you can manually check in or remove the Check-In date/time for each employee.
Activating Mobile Check-In Per Event
Activating the Check-In feature per event can be done using the Use Mobile Check-In toggle when creating the event or on the edit event page.
Allowing Anyone To Mobile Check-in
For events such as department meetings or other general "open style" events, if you use Check In, you can also enable the Allow Anyone To Check-in option. Doing so will allow anyone your agency to Check In to that specific event. If the employee checking in was not previously added as an attendee, the system will add the employee and assign any mandates and expenses.
Allow Anyone To Check In is set at the EVENT level. It is NOT a course setting.
Configuration Settings
You can turn this module on or iff using the Agency Config Training Settings Tab.
You can also set the number of days check-in remains open after an event ends, the default is 1 day.