Creating Events

New => Event  & View => Events

Events are designed to quickly and easily document and locate issues about a vehicle, such as scratches, dents, dings or damage.

    • Each event may have up to four photos to help explain the issue being reported.
    • Events are created by Supervisors, however each agency determines who can create events.
    • Events may be edited if you have the proper permissions.

Event Menu Options

There are two menu options for Events; New => Event and View => Events.

    • New => Event:  Used to create a new Event
    • View => Events:   Used to search for and view existing events

Creating a New Event

New Event To create a new Event, from the main navigation menu choose New => New Event. 


Complete the event entry by filling out the form.


If your agency uses work orders, you may also select to create a work order about this event.

When ready, click the Review Event & Add Photos Button.

You are taken to a new screen where you may add photos to the Event.


Adding photos is optional and is NOT required.

To add a photo, click on the placeholder for the photo you wish to add. A modal opens up with the No Photo Available image if a photo has not yet been added in this spot. 


Click Add Photo.

Browse to where your photo is on your device, select it and click Add Photo.


The screen will refresh and you will see the newly added photo. 


Repeat the process on the other placeholders to add additional photos. 


If you need to edit or replace an added photo, click on that photo. A modal opens up with the current photo in the modal.  Click Update Photo to remove or replace the photo.


As indicated on the screen, to delete the photo without replacing it, simply click Replace Photo.  Otherwise select your photo and click Replace Photo.

PSTracker does not allow editing of photos.  If you wish to crop or resize your photo, you must do so on your device before uploading it to PSTracker. 

You have three options at this point in the process

  • Create Event - Click Create Event to complete the event creation process.  
  • Edit Event - Click Edit Event to modify one of the fields in the event.
  • Save & Edit - Click Save & Exit to save the event as is, so you can come back and finish the event at a later time.  An event that has been Saved will be visible on your dashboard until it is opened again and the user clicks Create Event.
  • Delete Event - If necessary, you may delete this event without "officially" creating the event.


Upon clicking Create Event, the screen will refresh and you will be shown your completed Event.


If Create Work Order was selected, a work order will have been created and the proper person(s) notified. 

Those persons subscribed to events will receive an email about this newly created event. 


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