Overview - Camera (BWC) Audits

The Camera (Body Worm Camera) Audit system allows agencies to document review of Body Worn and Other Camera systems such as vehicles.

The process documents a specific employee using a specific camera on a specific date and time and can also document answers to specific questions.

Module variables / Setup.

Prior to using the module, agencies create Audit Reasons and Forms.

Reasons and Forms have a Parent Child relationship. 

    • Reasons: The the reason you are reviewing the camera.
    • Forms: Specific questions you want to ask on this form. 

Audit Process

A reviewer selects the employee, Reason (for the audit), and then the Form (questions being asked).

The form select list is populated based upon the chosen Reason.

The employee then clicks the Begin Camera Audit button, after which the page will refresh revealing the Audit. The employee reviews the video and then completes the audit by answering the questions posed to the reviewer.


There is no workflow or review process for audits.

There is no early warning system for audits.


PSTracker then offers a module dashboard as well as various reports to view historical camera audits.


The following group permissions apply to this module.

Camera Audit Create - Can Create Camera Audits.

Camera Audit Manager - Manage the Camera Audit Module.

Camera Audit Search - Can Search Camera Audits.

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