Automated Emails

PSTracker has several types of Automated Emails.

Inspection Emails

  • Inspection Issues turned into work orders

Employee Log Notification Emails

  • New Entries
  • New Comments - All Entries
  • New Comment - On Entry I created
  • Recognition Events
  • Early Warning Events

Event Emails

  • New Event Emails
    • Crash
    • Damage
    • Dent
    • Investigation
    • Other
    • Scratch

Expiration Date Emails

  • Maintenance Date Expiration Emails
  • Warranty Date Expiration Emails

My Emails

  • My Certificated Upload Reminders
  • My Event Completion Reminders
  • My Expiring Certificates
  • My Expiring D/L
  • My Expiring Mandates
  • My Expiring Permits
  • My Training Event Reminders
  • My Range Expiration Notices

Other Emails

  • Emergency Contact Updates
  • Others Range Expiration Notices


  • Signature Required
  • Quartermaster Request Workflow

Range Emails

  • Expiration Reminders

Supervisors Log Administrator Emails

  • New Supervisors Log Entry
  • New Comment

Training Emails

  • New Event
  • 3 Day Event Reminder
  • Completion Reminder
  • Training Request Workflow
  • Certificate Expiration Reminder
  • Mandate Expiration Reminder

Vehicle Emails

  • Recurring Maintenance Reminders

Work Order Emails

  • New Work Order Emails (can select specific equipment types)
  • Work Order Assigned

Managing My Automated Emails

See the My Automated Emails link at the bottom of this page.

Managing Employee Automated Emails

There are 3 administrative areas to manage these emails.

See the article Managing Employee Automated Emails link at the bottom of this page

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