Adding New Employees

Navigate to Your Name => Admin Tools.

Click the Active Users card.

You are taken to your list of employees.

You will also see the User sub-menu giving you quick access to other user management topics.

To add a new employee/user, using the sub-menu click Create New Employee.

A modal opens where you can enter the details for the new user.

User Field Descriptions: (Required are bold)

    • Username - Standard practice is to use email as username
    • Email
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Badge #
    • Employee #
    • Rank
    • Sworn status
    • Unit
    • Department - Will be Police unless you are a multi agency department
    • Role - One of the PSTracker Roles
    • Date of Birth
    • D/L
    • D/L Expiration Date
    • Permit (FOID)
    • Permit (FOID) Expiration Date
    • Theme - Default is PSTracker
    • Address
    • Address2
    • City
    • State
    • Zip Code
    • Miles from Department - Used by agencies who calculate training mileage from home.
    • Date Hired
    • Union
    • Custom (PTBID) - This is an agency customizable field set to PTBID
    • Custom (Other2) - This is an agency customizable field
    • Custom (Other3) - This is an agency customizable field
    • Custom (Other4) - This is an agency customizable field
    • Phone Number 1
    • Phone Type 1
    • Phone Number 2
    • Phone Type 2
    • Phone Number 3
    • Phone Type 3
    • Employee Can Login - Can this user login to PSTracker

When done entering information for the new employee, click the Create New Employee button.

The Employee will be added to the Employees Awaiting Activation list which is just below the list of active employees.

Activating New Employees

Activating an employee creates a temporary password, emails the employee the location of the software, their username, and a temporary password.

Employees can not login to PSTracker until they have been activated.

To activate one or more employees, check the box to the left of the employee(s).

Next click the Activate New Employees button.

IMPORTANT: A user must be visible to be activated. The software will NOT activate users across multiple pages (e.g. previous - 1 | 2 | 3 - next - If you can not see the user, they will not be activated)

Upon clicking Activate New Employees, each checked employees account will be activated and an email will be sent with their login information.

If you want to assure the emails went out, you can navigate to the Email Log. Your Name => Admin Tools => Email Log to see the list of emails sent by PSTracker.

If there are any issue, please contact us as we have access to a special tool to confirm receipt and opening of PSTracker emails.

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