Managing the Employee Log Module

Manage => Employee Log

Employee Log Managers

You must have Employee Log Manager permissions to manage employee log settings.


There are ONLY two system permissions for this module.  Employee Log Manager & Employee Log Emails.  ALL other permissions for the module are set within the Employee Log Group.

To manage the Employee Log module, navigate to Manage => Employee Log.


There you will see the dashboard and the Employee Log Sub-Menu.


Employee log Sub Menu

The Sub-Menu allows you to manage the settings for the employee log module.


Employee Log Dashboard

The dashboard provides some real time entry statistics, which you can filter by date.


Managing the Settings

See the article Managing Types and Categories

Confidential Group:
See the article Managing Employee Log Confidential Group

Groups: (permissions are set in this area)
See the article Managing Employee Log Groups

See the article Managing Employee Log Hierarchy

Select Fields:
See the article Managing Employee Log Text and Select Fields

See the article Managing Intervention Settings

See the article Managing Recognition Settings

See Settings, Below.

Text Fields:
See the article Managing Employee Log Text and Select Fields

See the article Managing Employee Log Templates

See the article Managing Types and Categories


The settings management area allows you to configure settings that pertain exclusively to the Employee Log Module.


  • New Entry Instructions:
    This setting allows you to place agency specific instructions on the New Employee Entry Form.

System Permissions

There are only two system permissions for this module set using Admin Tools -> User Roles.


  • Employee Log Manager:

    Permissions to manage the ENTIRE Employee Log Module and ALL settings. Grants full unrestricted access to the module, except it does NOT grant access to view Confidential entries.

  • Employee Log Emails:

    Allows employees to select which employee log emails they receive.  Generally limited to supervisors and above.

All other permissions for this module are set within the Employee Log Group.

Signature Acknowledgement Feature

If your agency wants to use the signature /acknowledgement feature, please be aware that you can only use signature / acknowledgment when the entry pertains to a SINGLE employee. If the entry has multiple employees, the signature form will not appear and you will have to delete and re-create the entry for the process to work correctly. The requirement to sign / acknowledge and entry is set a the category level.

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